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Leadership Training for Managers

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This course transforms managers focused on tactics, to leaders dedicated to communicating, implementing and supporting the strategic vision.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì

Discover the 5 Drivers of Leadership Success and master an 8-Step Planning process that enables you to define and align performance goals. Learn to recognize the potential in others and effective coaching techniques to help them realize their goals. Explore processes for driving innovation and delegating to match talent to task.

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Tại sao bạn muốn học chương trình này

Leaders who demonstrate certain principles create an environment where employees are motived, not forced, to bring their best to work. Certain principles strengthen teamwork and trust, leading to a more cohesive, creative and constructive workforce. You’ll gain the skills to motivate teams, and what can be more valuable than that?

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Chương trình này giúp gì cho bạn

You will maximize your own performance, become a stronger leader, and add more value to the organization. Become a champion leader who strategically aligns organizational objectives with individual development goals so that both roads lead to breakthrough performance.

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