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Sales Training
Bán hàng

Repeat Sales Made Easy

Giới thiệu

It’s easier to get additional sales from existing customers than it is to find new customers. This workshop focuses on the account management side of sales, often referred to as “farming.” Participants will learn effective ways to provide the kind of customer journey that ensures repeat business, including attitudes for service, and handling mistakes in a way that improves the relationship with the customer.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì

You’ll learn ways to turn customer complaints into opportunity, and to enhance the customer experience so they want to buy from you over and over again.

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Tại sao bạn muốn học chương trình này

It’s easier to sell to existing customers than to create new customers. A focus on customer service makes repeat business a breeze.

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Chương trình này giúp gì cho bạn

The tactics you’ll learn will help you to increase sales through repeat, up-selling, and cross-selling to existing customers.

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