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Future-ready Industrial Leadership

Chủ đề của khóa học cũng bao gồm:
Lãnh đạo, Tổ chức
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Our world has changed. Thirty years ago, organizations were hiring managers and they were hiring leaders, but they were not necessarily the same people. Today, every manager is expected not only to be an effective leader but also a coach and mentor. Most of us are more comfortable on one side or the other in the leadership/managementbalance. Balancing of the skills between leadership and management is the focus for all managers and leaders today.It is important to examine the balance between what we are doing today vs. what we are leading others to do. How can we identify and leverage our leadership style to be the best we can be in order to get the best results for ourselves and our organization?

Bạn sẽ học được những gì

• Drive innovation.• Master the 8-step Planning Process.• Align performance goals with strategy.• Apply effective coaching techniques.• Empower others and hold them accountable.• Excel in problem-solving and decision making..• Learn the 8-step Delegation Process• Own and learn from mistakes.• Effectively communicate change.• Build a culture of engagement.• Strengthen listening skills.• Recognize team success with enthusiasm.

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Tại sao bạn muốn học chương trình này

Because the only sustainable competitive advantage of any corporation is the innovation and creativity of their people, Future-ready Industrial Leadership will equip you to engage team members by unleashing their unique talents to maximize their readiness.

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Chương trình này giúp gì cho bạn

4 Traits of Engaged EmployeesEnthusiastic. Empowered. Inspired. Confident.By partnering with Dale Carnegie and attending Future-ready Industrial Leadership, dedicated leaders will learn proven methods for developing engaged, high-performing teams. You will understand a culture where team members are confident in their abilities, take action, enthusiastic to deliver results and inspired to make a difference.

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