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Running Effective Meetings & Time Management

Сургалтын нэрэнд мөн дараах багтана:
Хүний хөгжил

Effective managers need to be able to balance all the competing priorities and focus on the tasks that will have the most impact. By proper meeting planning, analyzing where time goes, and taking steps to better utilize time, a focused manager is able to move the business forward.

Cуралцах зүйлс

1) Understand the difference in routine, problem-solving and developmental activities.2) Incorporate ways to build cooperation that lead to positive outcomes.3) Make the most of time by discerning and addressing priorities.4) Plan and lead effective meetings.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

It’s easy to get caught up in routine meetings and activities. You will learn how to run more effective meetings, analyze where your time goes, and taking steps to move the business forward.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Гарах үр дүн

This seminar will help you analyze how you run your meetings and how you spend your time, so that you can work more effectively.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Ямар ч хэлээр байж болно
Таны хайлтад тохирсон үр дүн алга. Та хайлтын радиусаа өргөжүүлж эсвэ.
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Таны өгсөн мэдээллийг манай нөхцлийн дагуу ашиглана нууцлалын бодлого.