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Customer Service

World Class Customer Service Module 1: Attitudes for Service

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With an emphasis on the skills needed to build external and internal relationships, our training tackles issues such as how people can exceed customer expectations, initiate new services to generate add-on and cross-selling opportunities, and leverage industry-wide "best practices" to strengthen customer ties.

Cуралцах зүйлс

• Understand and apply a customer focused approach to service • Communicate value from a customer point of view• Resolve complaints from practical and emotional perspectives• Create additional buying opportunities that add value to the customer • Manage expectations and follow through to exceed expectations

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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

Companies tell us the training brings measurable gains in improved service quality, better resolution of customer conflict, and increased customer loyalty.

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Гарах үр дүн

Dale Carnegie Training brings organizations the right tools to cultivate valued and lasting customers. These include practices to help employees become good interpreters of what customers want today and expect tomorrow. We present the most effective tactics for overcoming customer dissatisfaction and client defection. We even offer strategies that employees can use to negotiate big wins for both their organizations and their customers.

Илүүг Харуулах
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