Develop leadership and communication skills with the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course to motivate your team. View In Person and Live Online Dates. 
Facing resistance when working with cross-functional teams? Learn a proven process to get buy-in and Lead with Influence. View Upcoming Dates >

Enhance Your Communication & Leadership Skills

Starter Subscription Package

Enhance your communication and leadership skills, at your own pace, through the eVolve learning platform.
eVolve is the only learner experience platform that combines on-demand delivery with Dale Carnegie’s time-tested content.

Choose from 2 Subscriptions

Enhance Your Leadership Skills Starter Subscription Package

Only $59.99/month per user. Billing processed monthly. 
Plus 15% off a core Dale Carnegie Leadership Course that will help you master what you have learned ($350 value)
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  1. Win Friends and Influence People: Secrets of Success On Demand (a 4-course video series): $400 value
  2. Communication Skills Video Collection: $99 value
  3. Communicate to Lead (On Demand e-Learning): $59 value
  4. Presentations that Influence (On Demand e-Learning): $99 value
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The Leader in You: $59 value

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14 Short On-Demand Skill-Builders
  1. Cycle of Performance Improvement
  2. Intro to the Dale Carnegie Human Relations Principles
  3. Leadership Competencies
  4. The Innerview
  5. Types of Followers
  6. Power Types
  7. Communication Types
  1. Collaborating to Address Subtle Deviations
  2. Feedforward
  3. The S-Curve Effect
  4. Framework for Handling Performance Deviations
  5. Delegation
  6. Innovation
  7. Performance Results Description

Get access to additional valuable content with each subscription

With the purchase of Enhance Your Communication Skills Starter Subscription Package or Leadership Skills Enrichment Package,
you will gain access to additional content to help you reach your development goals. 
Dale Carnegie Thought Leadership Library

Here is a collection of 16 of our top Thought Leadership topics, with links to the white papers on each. It’s an opportunity for eVolve learners to discover the research side of our reputation, what we mean to the industry beyond training programs.

Joe Hart's Take Command Podcast Series

Seasons One and Two. Season Three to be added soon.

Videos from Win Friends and Influence People On Demand

These exciting short videos from the four-part On Demand series "Win Friends and Influence People: Secrets of Success" are perfect just-in-time reminders of some of Dale Carnegie's most important Human Relations Principles.

Innovation Checklist

This is an actionable, practical checklist of steps your organization can take to align with best practices or current trends in innovation. The checklist is the “whats” and “hows” and links to the associated Thought Leadership white paper so you can learn the “whys” and view the research on which the information is based.

Featured Video

We will feature a video from our newly produced video collection, changed out periodically, to highlight a Dale Carnegie skill model or concept.

Survey: Am I Leadership Material?

This informal, fun survey is an entertaining way to self-reflect on your readiness for a leadership role, or how to move closer to that goal. Tips and recommendations for Dale Carnegie programs that can help you develop your leadership skills follow at the end of the survey on the results page.


Stay Engaged on eVolve

Enrich your skills further and sustain them – after you have completed the on-demand courses and short videos. This sustainment package is a self-paced, asynchronous set of tools for a learner to practice and develop their skills, including:
  • Sustainment Plan
  • Development Plan
  • New Ideas: Putting Leadership to Work for You
  • Building Relationships
  • Tools & Ideas
  • Video Library
  • Presentation Practice
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Contact us and explore how we can meet your unique challenges and allow you to take command of your career, your organization, or your team.

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Award-winning platform
Stay Engaged on Our Learning Experience Platform
Central to the modern, blended learning experience is Dale Carnegie’s learning experience platform, eVolve. You will collaborate and learn alongside other participants and engage with trainers on this platform—building skills through experience, social collaboration, practice, and application in the real world.