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Youth & Teen

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Dale Carnegie for Young Adults helps teens become more confident and better able to cope with the pressure and stress that adolescents face.
Information zum Kurs

Dale Carnegie for Young Adults is designed to prepare young people for the here and now. It provides skills they need to set and achieve goals, and perform to their full potential – at school, home, and work.

Inhalte des Trainings

This course focuses on five key areas critical for future success -- Building Self Confidence, Enhancing Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skill Development, Teamwork and Leadership Skills, and Effective Attitude Management. Each area incorporates skills that are useful throughout life – inside and outside of work.

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Nutzen des Trainings

Today, the world is more complex, competitive and demanding than ever before. Young people often need to balance school, work and relationships while at the same time, planning for their future. Dale Carnegie for Young Adults helps teens become more confident and better able to cope with the pressure and stress that adolescents face.

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Ziele des Trainings

Graduates tell us that their new skills have made them increasingly focused on their goals. They feel they make better decisions when faced with difficult choices, and confront problems and challenges more positively. And they believe they are more persuasive communicators, prepared them for applying to colleges or interviewing for jobs.

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