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Change Leadership

Viðfangsefni námskeiðsins eru einnig:
Samskipti, Starfsþróun

The New Change Management: Leading Change in a VUCA World is a workshop that seeks to uncover the key competencies for leading change in the context of the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous nature of the today’s business environment

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Success today is about more than simply managing change; it’s about leading teams that embrace incubating, innovating, implementing, and propagating change to keep up in a rapidly changing world. This workshop examines research on leading change in today’s business world and gives leaders the opportunity to reflect on and apply this information to their own change challenges.

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace; nothing is static, certain, or predictable. Many organizations are struggling to adjust to this new normal, but developing a leadership team with the skills to handle continuous change is critical for those that want to remain relevant. According to a 2019 Deloitte survey, 81% of respondents indicated that the ability to lead through more complexity and ambiguity will be a unique requirement for leaders in the 21st century.

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Understanding the attitudes, skills and capabilities that leaders must master to drive organizational transformation is an important first step. This event will also provide opportunities for discussion and give participants practical ideas they can use in change initiatives they are leading themselves.

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