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Integrative Business Negotiations

Viðfangsefni námskeiðsins eru einnig:
Samskipti, Söluhæfni

Your business day is a series of negotiations, and your ability to use integrative negotiating skills can make all the difference in your negotiating success. Integrative bargaining is a negotiating strategy that is essential to influencing people and facilitating constructive, positive business relationships.

Það sem þú lærir

-Apply integrative negotiation tactics to achieve mutually beneficial results -Generate win-win outcomes through planning and preparation -Build trust, credibility, and respect to gain cooperation and influence others -Handle emotions when dealing with difficult behaviors and resolving conflicts

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

We'll show you how to analyze your own position and recognize what the other side really wants. Learn ways to recognize and overcome ploys and tactics that impede the negotiation, and gain skills that will help you to keep negotiations on track.

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Negotiating skills can make all the difference in your negotiating success. Integrative bargaining is a negotiating strategy that is essential to influencing people and facilitating constructive, positive business relationships

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