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Sales Training

Negotiations Mastery: Analysis, Presentation, Bargaining and Agreement


Whether you like or dislike negotiation, it's a natural and integral part of any business. Negotiation becomes easier when you have conducted effective research and analysis, have presented alternatives and created value that targets the objectives of the other side. In this workshop, you will learn to identify ideal, realistic, and fallback positions for both parties, so you will know the scope of your negotiation points. You will analyze classic negotiations tactics to determine which tactics you could apply based on the situation and how to respond to tactics from the other side.

Það sem þú lærir

1. Analyze negotiation actions and agendas from the other party 2. Create side-by-side problem solving rather than confrontation 3. Present alternative solutions to build win-win outcomes 4. Determine negotiation actions, agendas, and alternatives 5. Implement strategies for effective negotiation planning and preparation

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

In order to be successful in business and in life you must have the ability to negotiate. This workshop is a step toward more effective and intentional negotiations. You will understand the psychology of the negotiation and how to negotiate in a manner that creates win-win results.

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This workshop will help you identify your negotiation strengths and weaknesses and creata an action plan to address them. By actively addressing these areas, you will be more effective in future negotiations.

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