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Culture Transformation: Model, Coach, Care Unlocking People Potential with a Growth Mindset

Episode Summary

Join us as Kathleen Hogan, Chief People Officer and EVP of Human Resources for Microsoft, shares and explains hearing practical advice on personal and organizational leadership, the importance of listening and staying humble, and how organizations succeed by empowering great teams.

Episode Notes

Episode 20 | July 27th, 2021 | 39 minutes

Knowing your “true north” and proactively asking for feedback are two things that Kathleen Hogan, Chief People Officer and EVP of Human Resources for Microsoft, offers to others looking to Take Command of their leadership potential. Equipped with a mindset for opportunity and a passion for empowering dynamic teams, Kathleen shares insight on the steps Microsoft took (and continues to take every day) to implement its Culture Transformation and create balance between a growth mindset that rewards failing forward and an accountability mindset that empowers results.

Show Contributors

Joe Hart, President/CEO, Dale Carnegie & Associates
Katheen Hogan, Chief People Officer and EVP of Microsoft

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