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A Leader’s Guide To Business Innovation

Intérêt de cet eBook

Innovation is one of the few resources that is completely free. But innovation is a process and the ultimate goal is to gain vision from your most valuable commodity - your people. When you value your employee’s talents, foster a positive work environment, provide open communication, respect, and a proactive approach, the innovative ideas are sure to flow!

Ce que vous apprendrez

You will be guided through the process of innovation, starting with the vision, the ultimate goal. Discover the challenges and the opportunities and brainstorm to find solutions. You’ll gather support (no man is an island!) and then put the accepted solutions into action. Finally, you’ll evaluate your results.

Pourquoi vous en avez besoin

Innovation is about setting you apart from your competition; it’s what makes you stand out. If you aren’t innovating, then you’re just another grain of sand on a massive beach. Dare to be different. It’s what your customers want!

Quelle utilité pour vous

Innovation is the fun part! It’s the free-flowing ideas of your own, and those of your team members, that make an otherwise dull day interesting. To see a vision through, from its inception to its successful implementation is not only rewarding personally, it’s what has the biggest positive impact on your bottom line.

Le guide du leader pour l’innovation en entreprise
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