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Combating Stress & Worry During Uncertainty

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À propos

How we manage stress and worry is essential to our health and leadership during times of uncertainty. The better we navigate stressful situations with confidence and peace of mind is crucial.

Ce que vous apprendrez

During this 90-minute Live Online Session, we will:•Understand how to break the cycle of stress•Explore principles for handling stress more effectively•Focus our energies to be more productive and positive

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

Your local Dale Carnegie team wants to ensure that we offer the tools that will help you and your organization. We provide this Complimentary Live Online Session to our partners, clients, and community members. This complimentary Live Online Session gives you the principles on how to manage stress and worry more effectively and ways to evaluate your perceptions of the stressors.

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Comment cela va vous aider

You will be prepared to handle the pressures of working in new environments and be more productive. This Live Online Session is designed to give you tools to take charge of your stress and worry.

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