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People Skills
Compétences relationnelles

Dale Carnegie Course Free Preview

À propos

This course enables you to build a strong relationship in a challenging business world, sharpen the skills in problem solving, manage stress,and increase your confidence and competence interacting with others for your personal and professional life.

Ce que vous apprendrez

Learn how to build trust and inspire others.Discover ways to present ideas clearly and concisely. Gain ways to adapt to different communication styles. Commit to handle and minimize stress, encourage positive thinking and continuous improvement.

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

You will become a better persuasive communicator and problem solver. You will find yourself inspiring others to take initiative and innovate.You will learn to handle stress and manage fast-changing. conditions in workplace.

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Comment cela va vous aider

You will communicate more confidently with others, energize and engage listeners. You will strengthen meaningful relationship. You will use the new skills to inspire others to take imitative and innovate.

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