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Advanced Dale Carnegie Course: Skills for Team Success

Sujets abordés lors de la formation:
Compétences relationnelles
À propos

This course is exclusively for organizational employees that have graduated from the Dale Carnegie Course.

Ce que vous apprendrez

Learn how to expand your capacity to identify and achieve a team’s vision by committing to breakthroughs. Build on organizational strengths to address challenges and opportunities. Respond to difficult situations and people confidently, tactfully, and assertively.

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

You will create a team environment of mutual trust and support to make change happen. You will increase team and organizational performance.

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Comment cela va vous aider

You will be able to communicate and lead effectively by using language and behavior appropriate to the person(s) and situation(s).Enhance your personal brand by using powerful communication techniques. Create a team environment of mutual trust and support to make change happen.

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