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Leadership Guide for First-Time Managers

Benefit of this eBook

The transition from employee to a leader is one of the most challenging times in a career. Dale Carnegie’s learning guide provides areas for first-time managers to concentrate and build their leadership skills.

What You'll Learn With It

Focus on the skills that managers need to be successful. Avoid common traps that new leaders can fall into. Build a team that is accountable, engaged, and operating at peak performance.

Why You Need It

Most first-time managers struggle as they adapt to the realities of a leadership role. Many of the tools and skills that they relied on for success as an individual contributor will not serve them as a leader.

What You'll Do With It

Take command as a first-time manager. Build on your strengths and understand what it takes to make the transition from a valued team member to a successful leader.

Leadership Guide for First-Time Managers
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