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Working Together with Alan Mulally

Episode Summary

For the first episode of Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast, we spoke with Alan Mulally: a man who has headed up some of the biggest corporations on the planet.

Episode Notes

Episode 1 | January 16, 2020 | 39 minutes

For the first episode of Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast, we spoke with Alan Mulally: a man who has headed up some of the biggest corporations on the planet. From his time as an EVP at Boeing and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, and then as the president and CEO of Ford Motor Company where he is credited with saving the corporation, through today as a member of the board of directors at Alphabet, Mr. Mulally will discuss his decades of incredible leadership.

Show Contributors

Joe Hart, President/CEO, Dale Carnegie & Associates
Alan Mulally, Former CEO, Ford Motor Company

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