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Integrity, Transparency, Humility with Mike Searles

Episode Summary

In his time as an executive, Mike Searles has weathered storms of change, gales of growth, and the ever-shifting culture of the American workplace.

Episode Notes

Episode 2 | February 3, 2020 | 32 minutes

In his time as an executive, Mike Searles has weathered storms of change, gales of growth, and the ever-shifting culture of the American workplace. On this episode of Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast, we’ll cover a wealth of his experiences including his time at Toys R Us, as CEO of Benjamin Moore Paint (a Berkshire Hathaway Company), what it was like working for Warren Buffett directly, and how one of his biggest mistakes also became one of the most valuable lessons of his life.

Show Contributors

Joe Hart, President/CEO, Dale Carnegie & Associates
Mike Searles, Former CEO, Benjamin Moore Paint

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