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Breakfast Workshop: The Art of Storytelling

À propos

Dale Carnegie believed that public speaking and storytelling are skills to be learned, not inborn abilities. Impactful storytelling requires an understanding of your audience, your topic, and your goal. In this workshop, you will learn the very same skills that Dale Carnegie himself used to create generations of successful business people, compelling community leaders, and adroit politicians.

Ce que vous apprendrez

1. Define your audience and their needs, goals, and wants 2. Plan an opening, message delivery, and closing that have impact 3. Use the secret to storytelling: The Magic Formula 4. Identify best practices for presentations

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

Your life is full of stories. When you share them with others, they listen and remember. Learn how to connect personal experiences with a vision for impacting others. When you know the magic formula for telling a story, you'll find it's much easier for people to see things from your perspective.

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Comment cela va vous aider

Everyone wants to build influence, but the secret is in how you craft your message to others. Telling a story engages people emotionally, making them more receptive and open to the storyteller.

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