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Management Skills for New Mangers and Supervisors

관련 정보

This intensive new seminar from Dale Carnegie Training provides everything you need to know to achieve outstanding results through others. Of course, you cover the basics like planning, organizing and control, as well as building your interpersonal effectiveness.

교육 내용

•Transition successfully from worker to manager•Motivate your team to reach its potential •Avoid the 10 common pitfalls of management•Communicate effectively •Coach for increased productivity •And much more!

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교육 목적

Now it's...Not about your personal achievement...but coaching others to succeed.Not about your drive to get things done...but your ability to motivate others to get it done.Not about's all about them.

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교육 효과

In other words, the skills that got you the promotion can't make you successful as a manager or supervisor. To achieve success, you need a firm grasp of business skills and human relations skills -- the skills you'll learn at

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날짜 및시간 (GMT-5)
2024년 6월 18일
오전 8:00 - 오후 5:00
Baton Rouge, LA
1 세션 -
US$ 375
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기타 이벤트 세부 정보+
제공자Baton Rouge
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Select the best option for you:
모든 언어
지점 선택
날짜 및시간 (GMT-5)
2024년 6월 18일
오전 8:00 - 오후 5:00
Baton Rouge, LA
1 세션 -
US$ 375
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기타 이벤트 세부 정보+
제공자Baton Rouge
지금 등록하세요 >
질문이 있으십니까? 편안하게 질문하세요.
제공하신 정보는 당사의 약관에 따라 사용됩니다 개인 정보 정책.