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Upskill to Emerge Stronger From COVID-19 


A return to work entails an adjustment to social distancing and remote teams, ensuring employee safety and well-being, and upskilling for new roles.

To navigate this new normal, organizations will need to develop a resilient and agile workforce to succeed in the face of new business models and modified workplaces.

Survive Through Disruption and Thrive in the New Normal

Leading change, communicating effectively, and developing psychological safety are just a few of the many soft skills that will enable organizations to prepare for the new normal.

Organizations can’t be resilient if their employees aren’t. Developing the social and emotional skills now will not only prepare organizations for adapting to their new business realities, but it will ensure they are primed to succeed through the next disruption.


Find the Skills  you Need to Succeed

When you look at any successful person, what do you see? Confidence. Competence. Charisma. They're engaged in all aspects of their work and life, communicating and inspiring others as they lead by example. And those are skills and traits anyone can possess. They only have to learn how to best leverage them.

5 Crucial Reasons for Companies to Invest in Training and to Develop their Employees Now:

Have Open Communication with Supervisors and Inform your Own Leadership Development

Employees don’t leave companies; they leave their manager. Through practical steps and some emotional intelligence, immediate supervisors can become the key to driving employee motivation, morale, and satisfaction to new levels.

Success begins with you

Designed to pass a lifetime of Dale Carnegie's own learning and practices on to anyone, our People Skills training courses enable quick adoption and ability to putting new-found communication and relationship skills into play at work and in everyday life, immediately making new friends, business contacts, and respected colleagues.
“COVID-19 has changed not only how people work but also how they shop and eat, as well as basic patterns of movement and travel. In this way, the pandemic is setting up what could be lasting employment-landscape shifts that could require the large-scale reskilling of new workers.”

Explore Courses in Leadership, Change Management, Public Speaking, Sales and Customer Service

People Skills resources you may be interested in:
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