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In Person IconPelatihan Tatap Muka

Leadership and Influence

Topik program juga termasuk:
Keterampilan Interpersonal

What gets in the way of organizational influence? Getting stuck “in the weeds.” People who react to emails, meetings, and requests may do good work, but lack broader influence.

Imagine doing quality work while inspiring others to work with you. Consider the impact you could have if people with different perspectives and priorities trusted and followed your lead.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

Build trust and strengthen relationships across organizational lines

Gain credibility and visibility for teams and projects

Collaborate with internal and external clients productively

Become a true consultant to stakeholders

Develop a personal reputation that will expand influence

Move from addressing tactical needs to developing strategic partnerships

Proactively listen to earn respect and trust

Evolve to a deeper understanding of broader organizational context

Present persuasive, convincing points-of-view

Provoke stakeholders to consider new approaches

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

Innovative organizations realize that they will achieve greater results if their teams can communicate and influence more effectively across organizational boundaries. Resisting the temptation to work in silos, leaders need to form consultative relationships amongst their team and other teams. This includes the ability of an organization to foster movement and readiness in role succession so that trust can be sustained despite competing agendas. And it means that employees need to develop the confidence to challenge, question, influence and think strategically.

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

This program provides business professionals the skills to influence others to accomplish work objectives.

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