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Critical Thinking


Learn How To:Follow the Critical Thinking Process to encourage logical decision-makingUtilize defined processes to identify and analyze challenging problemsEmploy brainstorming techniques using idea fluencyCritically evaluate alternatives using reasoning strategiesApply decision-making techniques to choose effective solutions

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

Learn how to come to reasonable solutions more quickly and creatively. Using the Critical Thinking Process introduced in the course, you’ll gather and interpret relevant information that leads to practical solutions. Through a proven process you’ll identify the root cause of your most pressing problems and evaluate the corrective measures that lead to breakthrough results.

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

In today’s competitive environment, professionals who are both creative and logical in their thinking are in high demand. Complex business challenges call for people who can not only make decisions, but make the RIGHT decisions. Gain critical thinking skills and tools that make you a leader in the market place.

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

Employing innovative approaches for visualization and fact finding, you’ll identify root causes of problems. Understanding the problem is half the battle! Once you evaluate issues clearly, you’ll be ready to generate fruitful solutions and make decisions that transform your business.

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