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In Person IconWorkshop Tatap Muka
Customer Service
Layanan Pelanggan

Breakfast Workshop: World Class Customer Service

Topik program juga termasuk:
Keterampilan Interpersonal

It might sound simple but driving profitability and growth stems from customer service and satisfaction. And superior customer service entails a series of finely interconnected activities that begin with the customer’s first point of contact and continues through to their next encounter.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

You will become keenly aware of how your attitude during customer contact and complaints can make the difference. We will assess your current Customer Service Attitude and help you build customer relationships by incorporating the 4 Drivers of Customer Service. You will learn ways to respond to both rational and emotional customer concerns and maintain a positive attitude when dealing with difficult people and issues.

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

You will reduce stress on both sides when resolving complaints and reduce the number and type of complaints received.

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

You will learn how to maintain a positive attitude when dealing with difficult people and issues. Learn to project a friendly willingness to serve customers in a low pressure, high-touch way in every customer interaction

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