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People Skills
Keterampilan Interpersonal

Shaping VUCA with Human Relations

Topik program juga termasuk:
Kepemimpinan, Pengembangan Organisasi

In the world of VUCA, learning how to live inday-tight compartments’ is not just an option, but anecessity for leaders. Practicing the mindset to focuson the here and now encourages leaders to focus onensuring the organization currently operates at theirbest and is a kick-start f rom inaction to action thatprevents small problems growing into somethingbigger. While many organizations waste mentalenergy and precious time on predicting the future,successful leaders use their mental powers to shapeand build it. The only sacrifice needed is discipline.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

How to lead during VUCA by leveraging all aspects of human relations to create a positive dynamic work environment that will keep employees motivated and resilient.

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

The demands of an increasingly volatile and complex market brings a great opportunity for organizational growth when properly handled by leaders. Be ready to recognize the power your actions and behavior can bring to not only survive a VUCA world but also to thrive in it.

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

Focusing on building Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Agility as the pathway to coping and overcoming the daunting and somewhat paralyzing impacts of the VUCA world.

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