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Guía para Resolver las Objeciones de Ventas

Beneficio de este eBook

Siempre que haya una venta o una negociación, existirán objeciones que superar. Este libro electrónico te guiará en los distintos pasos para superar las objeciones: escuchar lo que le preocupa a la otra parte, hacer preguntas para clarificar, amortiguar demostrando empatía por sus preocupaciones, responder descartando sus dudas y, por último, evaluar si el cliente está o no listo para avanzar.

Lo que aprenderás

You’ll discover the 5 key steps for overcoming objections. Discover that not all objections are rational, but instead emotional. Learn to respond to your client’s emotional needs in addition to any other obstacles that may be preventing them from buying.

Por qué lo necesitas

Overcoming objections isn’t just about closing a sale; it’s about building relationships. It’s your chance to let your clients know that you’re listening, and that you hear them. And when your clients feel understood, the probability of future business is solidified.

Lo que harás con él

When objections are satisfactorily resolved, you’ll have more that just a sale; you’ll have rapport. Resolving objections effectively is a process that involves careful, sensitive listening along with positive, factual responses to buyer concerns. Once you’ve mastered the skill, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at your improved closing rate!

Guía para Resolver las Objeciones de Ventas
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