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Dale Carnegie Course for Women: Developing the Powerful Woman in You

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Tap into your latent power and unleash your inner woman with confidence, eliminating all doubt of who’s in charge! This seminar will give you practical tools to approach people with confidence, form stronger alliances, and boldly deal with difficult situations.

Lo que aprenderás

You’ll learn to speak up confidently, gain the support of others, and release your inner leader! You will practice being assertive without appearing aggressive when dealing with challenging circumstances. Learn methods to persuade others to your point of view, and maintain control of situations.

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¿Por qué quieres aprenderlo?

To achieve greater success and contribute more significantly to organizational goals, as a woman, it’s important to increase your confidence and assertiveness. It’s your turn to take charge and exude confidence in yourself as a leader that makes others take notice. This seminar helps banish self-doubt, and light the path to becoming a more decisive, self-reliant woman.

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Cómo te ayudará

This is a course that unveils the leader in you. You’ll catapult from a woman waiting in the wings, to a leader who stands front and center!

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