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People Skills
Habilidades para el trato con las personas

Getting to Yes and Working with Difficult People

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This 2-hour breakfast workshop will help you work more effectively with difficult people, as well as gain cooperation and change behavior without creating resentment. You’ll also gain tips for negotiating and compromising with difficult people.

Lo que aprenderás

How to confront and deal effectively with the behaviors and attitudes of difficult people, rather than react negatively. Examine what we consider to be difficult qualities, and then look at ourselves to see if we might be a contributing factor. Understand the concept of the benefit of the doubt, and how to apply Dale Carnegie Principles to the most common types of difficult behaviors and attitudes. A 12-step process for negotiating and comprising with difficult people.

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¿Por qué quieres aprenderlo?

Many of us seek to avoid difficult people because confronting the person or situation can be exhausting and emotionally draining. Yet, avoiding these people or situations can be worse. Unresolved conflicts and miscommunications waste enormous amounts of time and energy, can destroy morale, and impact the bottom-line cost in lost productivity.

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Cómo te ayudará

Some team members are unaware of their negative behavior and the impact on team dynamics. Knowing how to recognize and address these negative behaviors is a critical skill in any collaborative environment.

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