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Harassment Prevention for Supervisors

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Habilidades para el trato con las personas
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Did you know? California employers with five or more employees must provide harassment prevention training to ALL employees by the end of 2020. Non-supervisory employees must receive 1 hour of harassment prevention training and Supervisors are required to attend 2 hours of training. This training must be completed within the first 6 months of employment or promotion, and every two years after. Additionally, training content must be updated to be compliant with the new regulations.

Lo que aprenderás

This interactive training includes real-world scenarios and tools to understand what are- and are not- harassing behaviors. A pre- and post-test checks for understanding.

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¿Por qué quieres aprenderlo?

This is important for your organizations to be compliant with the law. In addition, by getting your employees trained, you are creating a safe environment in your workplace, encouraging all to thrive and contribute.

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Cómo te ayudará

By sending your employees to the harassment prevention training you are fulfilling the requirement by law. You are also developing a positive culture, which will result in strong and engaged teams.

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