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The Dale Carnegie Live Online Leadership Experience Phase Four: Successful Public & Virtual Speaking

Giới thiệu

Learn foolproof methods to be a confident presenter. Acquire tools that you need to speak confidently at your next meeting or presentation. When in-person meetings are no longer an option, you can't afford to misstep with online meetings. Virtual meetings have become a critical way of conducting business. Learn key ways that mindful planing and engaging activities can keep meetings collaborative, engaging and effective.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì

You will practice presenting virtually, and learn skills that will enable you to overcome your fear of public speaking. and also run impactful meetings. Identify reasons for uneasiness, and discover preparation tools designed to boost your confidence. Plan and present with impact to your audience. You will also receive a 1:1 coaching session with your consultant.

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Tại sao bạn muốn học chương trình này

When properly executed, your presentation will make you stand out; it will communicate to your audience that you are prepared, informed, and confident. An accomplished presentation is what will differentiate you from your competitors. Consider it your secret weapon!

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Chương trình này giúp gì cho bạn

This online course will help you overcome your fear of speaking in front of others, and gain confidence as an accomplished presenter. You will keep your audience engaged along with skillfully navigating team and client interactions.

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