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Customer Service

Winning with Referrals (Private session for Allstate/Jeremy Olson Agency)

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Abilități de relaționare interumană, Vânzări

There are plenty of reasons not to ask for a referral, you don’t know how, you don’t want to seem pushy,or you just forget. But none of those reasons hold water when you consider the benefits. When you ask fora referral, you are giving your customer the opportunity to help both you and his contact; you get the chance to communicate the value you bring; and the potential new customer gets to see alternativesolutions to business goals. Benefits abound!

Ce vei învăța

In this module, you explore the most common reasons to avoid asking for a referral, and why and how to overcome hesitancy. You will learn a simple, conversational approach to ask, with confidence, for additional business opportunities. It’s easy and it works every time!

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De ce îți dorești să înveți

You will create results for new customers and strengthen business relationships.

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Cum te va ajuta

You will be able to overcome the logical and emotional barriers about referrals. Create win-win referrals that customers find comfortable. Follow through on referrals to win new customers.

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