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Breakfast Workshop: Do you have a Sales Culture?

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As sales leaders we are always looking for the secret sauce. The best tools for pipeline management and forecasting. The best way to recruit high performing sales champions. Developing a killer “go to market” strategy. There are no quick fixes but there are some simple truths. The most challenging and powerful thing we can do as sales leaders is to create a sales culture that drives performance and attracts the best possible talent. A culture that makes your team wake up every morning hungry to get results and eager to be the best versions of themselves. That’s what a healthy sales culture can create and as the leader; you are the biggest driver of culture.

Ce vei învăța

•How to create high standards that people want to live up to •The elements of a sales process that creates deeper more lasting customer relationships •Ways to move from metrics to inspiration •The keys to create internal collaboration vs internal competition •Coaching skills that improve performance without creating resentment

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