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Handling Stress and Developing Resilience

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This virtual event is a 50-minute session designed to bring leaders together to learn about and reflect on recent research by Dale Carnegie Training and others regarding resilience, its impact on reducing stress in times of adversity and how to develop it in people, teams and across an organization.

Che cosa imparerai

Today’s business environment is filled with setbacks and unexpected challenges. VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) is the new normal, and the potential impact of serious crises such as market shocks, governmental instability and pandemics can’t be ignored. Few of us are in a position to change the environment in which we operate; we can control how we prepare for it and respond to it.

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Perché vuoi impararlo

Creating a resilient organization that can successfully “bounce back” and grow from adverse experiences has become increasingly critical. For leaders who hope to accelerate performance and capitalize on change and uncertainty, it’s moved from highly desirable to absolutely crucial.

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In che modo ti aiuterà

Research on resilience in the workplace and elsewhere points to a number of positive outcomes at the individual, team and organizational level that can significantly impact an organization’s trajectory when faced with adversity.

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