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Sales Training

Power Up Your Sales

Informazioni su

This one-day workshop will provide participants with a system for creating and demonstrating sales strategies. Participants will have an opportunity to develop skills to uncover customer needs and head off challenges.

Che cosa imparerai

Attendees find out how to establish credibility and communicate your value by focusing on customer-centric solutions. Participants will learn how to develop powerful questions to get the information needed, create interest by describing what the customer can expect and use evidence to persuade the customer.

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Perché vuoi impararlo

When customers have completed 70% of the buying process or can complete many online purchases without ever engaging with a single salesperson, traditional sales tactics simply no longer work. Your customers are personification of the empowered consumer and you need to focus your approach to add value to the buying process.

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In che modo ti aiuterà

By understanding a relationship-based selling approach, you can offer your customers value that they can’t find on the Internet: YOU! And you position yourself for long-term partnerships that bring positive outcomes for all parties.

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