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Organizational Agility: the new competitive divide

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This one-hour leadership event provides insights into how other leaders view & prepare for organizational agility and how essential it has already become in the business landscape.

Che cosa imparerai

Gain insights from our 2019 survey of 3500 global employees (from CEO to individual contributor level). Learn the building blocks of organizational agility. Discover the tools and processes your organization needs to implement its own agility journey.

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Perché vuoi impararlo

Business environments seem to be evolving at the fastest rate ever. Your investors demands are increasing. Markets face disruption. Younger workforce expectations are quite different from their older peers. These are just some of the very real shifts organizations face today.

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In che modo ti aiuterà

How your organization recognizes and reacts to shifting environments will impact its ability to maintain or increase market share and profitability. The organizations that master agility build a true competitive advantage.

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