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Critical Thinking

Follow the Critical Thinking Process to encourage logical decision-making, Utilize defined processes to identify and analyze challenging problems, Employ brainstorming techniques using idea fluency, Critically evaluate alternatives using reasoning strategies, Apply decision-making techniques to choose effective solutions.
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مهارات الأشخاص

One of the greatest challenges organizations face is fostering innovation while still practicing critical thinking and logical decision-making. The Critical Thinking Process guides us through all the phases of generating and evaluating new ideas, and can help organizations solve problems using rational thought and logical decision-making.

ماذا ستتعلم

Follow the Critical Thinking Process to encourage logical decision-making, Utilize defined processes to identify and analyze challenging problems, Employ brainstorming techniques using idea fluency, Critically evaluate alternatives using reasoning strategies, Apply decision-making techniques to choose effective solutions

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لم تريد تعلم ذلك

Obtains and understands facts, weighs risks, and objectively prioritizes alternatives that result in decisive action.Also Innovative. Incorporates existing ideas and new ideas in a unique approach to resolve issues and capitalize on opportunities

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كيف ستساعدك

Using the Critical Thinking Process, these modules will help you and your team learns to pinpoint opportunities for improvement, brainstorm creatively, logically evaluate options, and make informed decisions that will lead to success. The tools discussed will help you become proactive instead of reactive in the face of problems and move from possibilities to solutions!

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