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Sales Training

Selling in the Digital Age: A Business Brief


By mastering a relationship-based selling approach, you can offer your customers value they can’t find on the Internet: You! And you position yourself for long-term partnerships that bring positive outcomes for all parties.

ماذا ستتعلم

•Review the latest research on trust-based relationships in sales•Examine the elements for building a strong sales culture•Review the foundations of Dale Carnegie’s sales model

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لم تريد تعلم ذلك

In our survey, 71% of respondents said they would rather buy from a salesperson they completely trusted than one who gave them a lower price.

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كيف ستساعدك

•Stay customer-oriented vs sales-focused•Make a distinction between professional and personal relationships•Build trust early in the buying process and in every interaction •Evaluate and strengthen the individual skills and attributes that drive customer loyalty

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