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People Skills

Emotional Intelligence


"1. Understand the impact of attitude and emotions on our behavior and the behavior of others2. Identify our work style and how to best work with others3. Use emotional controls to inspire and motivate those around us4. Implement ways to respond to emotional outbursts from others5. Learn to control stress and worry"

ماذا ستتعلم

"> Understand the connection between how we think, feel, and behave. > Understand your own workstyle and how can you flex it to deal with stakeholders with a different workstyle> Demonstrate greater effectiveness through improved emotional intelligence. > Maintain emotional control in difficult situations.> Control stress and worry to increase productivity and engagement"

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لم تريد تعلم ذلك

Research shows that positive energy and emotional control results in high productivity, smart decisions, high retention rates, good morale, and strong teamwork. Studies have shown that raising overall emotional intelligence in an organization positively affects the bottom line. The good news is that whereas your IQ is set in early adulthood, EQ can be developed over the lifespan. At the completion of this module you will understand the connection between what you think, how you feel, and how you behave, and the competencies of emotional intelligence. You will discover your current emotional fitness level, explore how your emotions and “hot buttons” affect your job performance, and apply tips for maintaining positive energy and controlling emotions in difficult situations.

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كيف ستساعدك

This Emotional Intelligence workshop helps you to see things from multiple points of view and manage your emotions in addition to influencing emotions of others. It enables you to form better relations and drive collaboration and engagement at workplace. Managing emotions also enables you to make objective decisions by factoring in decision making criterions and thus impacting your own performance and organizational results.

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