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Closing the Sale by Building Customer Relationships

Benefício deste eBook

To offer your customers value, you must first have a clear understanding of their needs. To that end, the most important thing you can do in any customer interaction is ask questions, and then listen. Once you have a firm grasp on their requirements, you can offer solutions and then ask for the opportunity to form a business partnership.

O que você irá aprender

This ebook demonstrates the 5 steps to building a customer relationship. Learn to create value by discussing your product and benefits in a way that tells a story tailored to your customer. When you’ve arrived at a beneficial solution, you’ll learn to ask for the commitment in a manner that makes it seem like you’re cementing a long-term professional relationship.

Por que você precisa disso

Let’s face it; there aren’t that many unique products or services on the market anymore, and with the Internet at every customer’s fingertips, the few products that are unique can be readily found. But what you have that no other company is offering is YOU. YOU are one hot commodity, and if you form solid customer relationships, your competition will rest safely in the dust.

O que você vai fazer com isso

Customer relationships need to be nurtured. If you continue to build strong ties to your customers, your sales pipeline will always be full. The bottom line is that you’ll always have an impressive bottom line!

Closing the Sale by Building Customer Relationships
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