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Customer Service
고객 서비스

Delivering World Class Customer Service

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대인 관계, 조직 개발
관련 정보

Good customer service results when organizations exceed the customer's expectations. This seminar dives into the skill and processes it takes to deliver quality service.

교육 내용

1)Incorporate the Four Drivers of Customer Service to build customer relationships2)Implement a consistent process to resolve complaints3)Identify win-win opportunities to provide more products and services4)Manage customer expectations in order to exceed them

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교육 목적

This seminar examines ways that we can exceed our customers' expectations by Incorporate the Four Drivers of Customer Service to build customer relationships implement consistent processes to deliver high service levels.

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교육 효과

Committing to deliver world class customer service will allow organizations to develop long lasting relationships and win future business.

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