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Live Online Complimentary Workshop: Effectively Managing Our Time at Home ***Limited to Nevada Residents Only

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À propos

Time management has never been more important or challenging as we work from home with new teammates, spouses, children and pets! During this fast paced workshop, you’ll gain an understanding of where your time is spent. We’ll share tools to help you plan, organize, and manage your time at home, and be more productive.

Ce que vous apprendrez

In this workshop, you'll discover where you actually spend your time. With a clear picture of where time gets lost, you can see where you can improve. You'll review specific tools and approaches to help you stay on target, increase productivity, and get better results in work and in life.

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

The two major keys to time management are; understanding where time is spent, and focusing efforts on issues with higher levels of importance. You can avoid the tyranny of the urgent by evaluating your activities and applying five proven time management approaches.

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Comment cela va vous aider


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