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People Skills
Compétences relationnelles

How to Look, Act and Sound Like a Professional

À propos

This seminar is based on the groundbreaking work of Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, and himself the consummate professional.

Ce que vous apprendrez

People who come across a professional get promoted because companies want employees who are in front of the public to reflect positively on the organization. Get the skills you need to project a professional demeanor, stand out from the crowd, get noticed and get promoted.

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

You receive the skills you need to project a professional demeanor, stand out from the crowd, get noticed and get promoted.

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Comment cela va vous aider

By applying the principles, you’ll learn to maintain your emotional balance regardless of circumstances and always come across as calm, cool and collected. You’ll learn to control situations instead of letting them control you and deal effectively with difficult people.

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