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Creating an Agile Organization

Sujets abordés lors de la formation:
Compétences relationnelles, Organisation
À propos

Today, organizations in every industry need to gather and act on information, make decisions quickly and implement change to meet rapidly evolving requirements of customers and the business environment. This will require your people to have the tools they need to create an agile organization.

Ce que vous apprendrez

1) Foster a Resilient Workforce2) Improve Social Intelligence 3) Develop Effective Tools and Processes4) Enhance the Capacity for Action

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

Agility requires an openness to new information and learning, a positive attitude toward change, and confidence that it can succeed. This 1-day seminar will give you the tools to start developing the foundational requirements of Agility.

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Comment cela va vous aider

Agile organizations free people to experiment, adapt and innovate. As the pace of change accelerates and AI gains momentum, these imperatives have become higher profile, but in reality, they’ve always been part of the attributes that put people and companies ahead.

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