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Successful Public Speaking Seminar

À propos

A new one-day seminar that uses the foolproof methods of Dale Carnegie – the master of public speaking – to turn you from a nervous novice into a confident presenter.

Ce que vous apprendrez

Learn how to communicate with credibility, assess your audience and persuade them to action, create an opening that grabs attention, and much more!

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

Anyone who wants to build confidence and overcome the fears associated with public speaking. Business professionals will gain the skills to clearly and effectively present materials to teams, organizations, or public groups.

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Comment cela va vous aider

Dale Carnegie Training® gives business people the tools to successfully build their case. We excel at empowering employees to communicate boldly before any constituency, under any conditions. We deliver critical methods and tools people can use to present compelling messages, connect confidently with any audience, and help generate new growth.

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