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Dale Carnegie Romania Blog

As a global leader in workplace training and development, we’ve created custom resources to supplement your training, as you further develop the skills to become a better, more confident, and more effective version of yourself.
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Financial Capital vs. Social Capital in the Return-to-Work Debate

by Mark Marone | Apr 2021
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Financial Capital vs. Social Capital in the Return-to-Work Debate

  • Working from Home (WFH) will be coming to an end for many who expected otherwise: physical offices are set to make a bigger rebound than anticipated.
  • The widely-publicized cost savings of remote work could be outweighed by the impact of declining social capital and changing communication patterns.
  • Whether operating remotely, in a hybrid model, or in-person, organizations may want to turn some attention to strengthening social capital.
 >> Click below for full article

Critical Thinking

Dale Carnegie White Paper | Jan 2021
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Why Critical Thinking is Essential Today

Our world is evolving at a mind-boggling pace. Experts suggest that the digital universe of information doubles every two years, and we are confronted with more data, information, and decisions than ever before. This has real consequences: Scientists have determined that humans can suffer from decision overload. In fact, being faced with many decisions, regardless of whether they are inconsequential or important, can create “neural fatigue.” Our brains, it seems, are designed to handle a finite number of decisions each day, and beyond that limit, our ability to make more diminishes, regardless of how important they are.
 >> Click below for full article

Best Company for Training 2020

Training Magazine Network Award | Dec 2020
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We are excited to share that Dale Carnegie has been unveiled as a winner of the 2020 Training Magazine Network Choice Awards in three categories, including Custom Content/Program Development; Learning Portal/LMS; and Measurement, Testing, and Assessment.
These awards further solidify Dale Carnegie's reputation as a top name in leadership training and development and showcase the brand's resilience and staying power of our program and platform's ability to meet the evolving needs and challenges that companies are facing in today's pandemic.
 >> Click below for full article

2021 Top 20 Leadership Training Company

Training Industry | Mar 2021
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We are pleased to announce that Dale Carnegie has been selected as a 2021 Leadership Training Top 20 Company by Training Industry!

​​Training Industry, the leading research and information resource for corporate learning leaders, prepares the Training Industry Top 20 report on critical sectors of the corporate training marketplace to better inform professionals about the best and most innovative providers of training services and technologies.
 >> Click below for full article

Corporate Culture Under Pressure

ABSL 8th Annual Conference | Nov 2020
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We’ve all been part of the sudden shift towards remote work and have already faced many of the new complexities in both communication as well as collaboration. We ourselves, have undergone drastic changes to our business model and therefore fully understand the impact of these changes on the very structure of organizations across the country and the everyday experiences of their employees.
Disruption to the rhythms of everyday and the lack of in-person human interactions has created a drain on social capital and professional networks.
 >> Click below for full article


About Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie first started bringing his self-improvement methods to the world in 1912 and turned his ideas into a global performance-based training company with 200 offices in 90 countries. The company works in 30 languages throughout the world and includes as its clients 400 of the Fortune 500 companies.


Our Mission at Dale Carnegie Romania

Is to deliver improved business results for our clients by increasing the performance of their PEOPLE. Our training process concentrates on improving the core Behaviors and Performance Habits within a team, that will power your organization’s advancement.
We have acquired 16 years of experience on the local market, as we are present in Romania since 2005.
Throughout our 16 years of experience on the local market, we’ve had more than 173.000 successful participants.
Our participants experience and training effectiveness score is 9.2 (out of 10) and the NPS is 78.4

"If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don't want to be."

Dale Carnegie



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