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Dale Carnegie's Leadership Success Model Complimentary Workshop

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One workshop, Two Previews Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading This program is specifically designed to address the challenges that new leaders face, to help them change their mindset, and give then confidence with proven strategies and tools that are used by the most successful leaders. PLUS Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others This program combines the crucially important hard skills and proven behaviors that leaders need, while also focusing on adopting the right attitudes required to be an engaging leader. Your employees need you! The demand is tremendous! That means to be a successful leader in today workplace you must bring the right set of skills and attitudes to engage, retain and achieve results through your team. You’ll leave this workshop with a better understanding of where you are on your leadership journey and an understanding of Dale Carnegie’s Leadership Success Model.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

See how Dale Carnegie’s Leadership Success Model helps new leaders evolve from top performer to emerging leaders and existing managers into leaders who get results with their teams. Learn how to create engaged teams by building relationships quickly and authentically. Understand where you are on the leadership spectrum and how you can get to the next level.

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

Dale Carnegie provides you not only with the tactical leadership tools and skills to get results from your team but combines those tools and skills with exercises to help you achieve the right attitudes and tone that get results in all situations with all people.

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

Move your career forward by adopting the right attitudes and actions that make for great leaders. Get foundational knowledge of how you can lead a team of engaged employees who are ready to succeed at every turn.

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