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Strictly Business: The Dale Carnegie Immersion Seminar


While many might think they possess the essential qualities to advance their careers, through this experience, even the best and brightest discover opportunities to grow and improve. Aspiring leaders in all professions learn to connect with people and reach higher levels of productivity. This inspirational seminar is a life-changing event for business people, world leaders, professional athletes and entertainers who wish to outperform their personal best.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

Learn how to excel as a communicator, enabling you to influence others and strengthen key relationships. Master conflict resolution, and discover ways to maintain a positive attitude toward challenges and change. Explore ways to revitalize your career, build confidence and break down belief barriers to create an intentional, sustainable future.

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

This seminar will help you master the skills you need to excel in today's competitive workplace. You'll learn to handle people more professionally and keep pace with fast-changing workplace conditions. This course is optimal for people who aspire to become champions in their profession!

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

Upon completion, you’ll feel revitalized, equipped with a new vision for the future. What’s more, you’ll leave with a plan for implementing that fresh vision with the verve and vigor needed to perform on today’s center stage. Consider it 3 days of career rehabilitation!

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