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Emotional Intelligence: Enhance External Awareness and Communication Effectiveness

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Today, organizations are faced with the challenge to evolve their leadership team in order to attract and retain top talent. This requires enhanced Emotional Intelligence to create a more collaborative and cooperative environment.

Che cosa imparerai

Communicate More Effectively with Different Personality Styles Build an Atmosphere of Enhanced Trust, Credibility, and RespectIncreased Ability to Deal with Difficult Team Members Communicate with Greater Diplomacy and Tact

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Perché vuoi impararlo

Studies have shown that Emotional Intelligence mattered twice as much as technical expertise in leadership success. Leaders with high Emotional Intelligence have enhanced mental health and increased job performance.

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In che modo ti aiuterà

Emotional Intelligence: Enhance External Awareness and Communication Effectiveness will help you to see how actions impact others and what you can do to create a more collaborative environment.

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