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People Skills
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Disagree Agreeably Workshop


Disagreements, from time to time, are not only inevitable but a natural dynamic between people. Left unresolved, these disagreements and conflicts can waste enormous amounts of time and energy and can affect the bottom line in lost productivity. For many, the natural reaction is to avoid disagreements in order to maintain a peaceful and cooperative environment. Yet, we can gain so much from those we disagree with if we can learn to view these situations as learning opportunities, and deal with them in an agreeable and professional way. In fact, research shows that successfully resolving disagreements and issues with work associates or in our personal life ultimately results in greater mutual respect and a more positive relationship.

Cуралцах зүйлс

This workshop provides insights into your own personality, communication and work style and reactions when dealing with differences of opinion surrounding our “hot buttons.” You will not only explore situations that challenge you most, you’ll learn to manage your emotions and to express your opinions in a productive way that leads to acceptance, agreeable outcomes, and improved productivity.

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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

For many, the natural reaction is to avoid disagreements in order to maintain a peaceful and cooperative environment. Yet, we can gain so much from those we disagree with if we can learn to view these situations as learning opportunities, and deal with them in an agreeable and professional way.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Гарах үр дүн

Research shows that successfully resolving disagreements and issues with work associates or in our personal life ultimately results in greater mutual respect and a more positive relationship.

Илүүг Харуулах
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