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Sales Training

Overcoming Objections


It is likely in any selling situation that obstacles will have to be overcome before a buying decision is made. Often, we make the mistake of “handling” objections in such a way that the buyer is turned off. Resolving objections effectively is a process that involves careful, sensitive listening along with positive, factual responses to buyer concerns. We must understand that buyer objections are not always rational. Objections are often totally emotional. We must respond to customers’ emotional needs, along with the obstacles preventing them from buying, if we want to build long term relationships.

Cуралцах зүйлс

You will learn to resolve objections in a manner that is mutually advantageous to the customer and yourself. This will happen by identifying points of agreement to lower buyer resistance and discovering your common ground. Learn how to respond to the four most common objections with confidence.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

Objections are often emotionally driven. By responding to a customer’s emotional concerns, along with other obstacles that may prevent them from buying, you are paving the way to a loyal, long-term, profitable business partnership.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Гарах үр дүн

All obstacles must be eliminated before a buying decision can be made. It’s important to address objections in ways not offensive to the buyer. Once that happens, agreements are made, relationships are forged and commissions are paid.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Select the best option for you:
Ямар ч хэлээр байж болно
Таны хайлтад тохирсон үр дүн алга. Та хайлтын радиусаа өргөжүүлж эсвэ.
Асууж лавлах зүйл байна уу? Шууд асууна уу
Таны өгсөн мэдээллийг манай нөхцлийн дагуу ашиглана нууцлалын бодлого.